A small field enjoyed bright, sunny conditions, and perfect temperatures for riding. A few did comment on the wind which seemed to blow in every direction at various times, though not too strongly I think (easy to say for the organiser who drove there in his car!). Almost half the field managed sub-30-minute rides which was impressive, with some eager competition as several riders caught their minute-men resulting in 3 riders crossing the finishing line almost together at one point – a nightmare for a novice time-keeper (like me). Fortunately, Rachel O’Donnell and the ever-present Frank Turner were on hand too and all fell into place. Thanks to both of them and to Paul Abraham for their able assistance tonight.Times as follows:
TT Bikes
- James McPherson 28.14 (14.17)
- John Curtin 29.13 (14.40)
- Paul O’Sullivan 29.56 (14.39)
- Steven Oliver 34.38 (split 17.10)
Road Bikes
- Ade Gower 29.54 (14.52)
- David Rickels 30.35 (15.16)
- Michael Levet 31.02 (15.19)
- David Rossall 34.30 (split 16.59)
- David Summerell 35.19 (17.22)
Well done all. Enjoyable evening.