Briercliffe 11.2 TT 25-05-2021

Best conditions of the year so far and a number of pbs. Great riding all round.
Thanks to Rachel and Frank for time keeping.

Men’s Results

Paul Abraham 28.07 (14.02 split)
James McPherson 28.26 (14.12)
John Curtin 29.38 (14.48) TT
Will Harrison 30.16 (15.02)
Ade Gower 31.51 (15.43)
Andrew James Clark 32.26 (16.06)
Mark Loosley 32.50 (16.10)
Michael Levet 32.52 (16.11)
John Auld 33.00 (16.30)
David Rossall 34.41 (17.12)
Stephen Oliver 36.18 (18.02) TTRoad bikes uno

Women’s Results

Catherine Jones 32.36 (16.12)


John Martin


David Summerell, Alastair Moye, Manuel Manrique Martinez.