Dear Nomads Fellowshiop,
Your Club Committee would like to give you an advance ‘heads up’ on some proposed additions to HNCCs Code of Conduct that we’ll seek approval for at the 2022 AGM (date yet to be determined).
The Code of Conduct forms part of the Clubs Constitution are therefore changes or amendments must be subject to AGM approval. Nonetheless we thought important to share now what we hope to propose. The existing Code of Conduct can be found here: Code of Conduct – Hitchin Nomads Cycling Club.
The proposed additions are as follows:
As a member of the club you are expected to abide by our Code of Conduct by:
- All members should treat others with dignity and respect. The Club will have a zero tolerance approach towards discriminatory behaviours.
- All members should be aware that when riding or meeting as Nomads poor behaviour reflects on the Club.
- All members can, and are encouraged, to make suggestions on how to improve club activities. This can be at the AGM or via email or other social media. However it is an expectation that members will be constructive in how this is done recognizing Club Officers are all volunteers giving up there time for the betterment of all.
- The Club has obtained the ‘Equality and Parity in Cycling’ (EPIC) kitemark and expects all members to treat people equally and fairly to create and maintain a healthy and vibrant sport. A sport which incorporates the principles of equality and parity helps us work towards an inclusive environment where people from all backgrounds can feel welcome.
- If members believe they have seen/witnessed/heard about breaches of the code of conduct they can inform the Club Committee. Club Committee will then review and potentially investigate the matter.
- The Committee will decide if the complaint is upheld and decide if any sanction is required – i.e a final warning with expectation of an apology or even expulsion from the Club.
Between now and the 2022 AGM we would look to abide by these amendments and we hope that has membership support.
This is an important updating of our Code, but we should also add that we already know our fellowship conducts itself in this spirit.
We hope this meets with your approval when the time comes to formally vote on this in 2022.
HNCC Committee,
October 2021