Principal Time Keeper: Frank Turner
Event Sec, Sign On and Assistant Time Keeper: Leanne Cutler
Prop: Paul Riley
Assistant Prop: A Bath Towel
Injured Hero: Nigel Wilson
Hero’s Chauffeur: Ben Wilson
Start Line Banter: Simon Doyle
Reporter: Various anonymous sources
Promoted for an on behalf of Cycling Time Trials under its rules and regulations
“Conditions were beautiful. Thanks to the Time Trial gods.”
“I knew it was good when for the first time I got round without being caught by Matt Lippard. I needed a PB and 40 seconds faster than last week to do it.”
“Delighted to set a PB on the last test on this 10 course for the season.”
“I gave Dave some pointers at work and he repaid me with a 47 second thrashing on one of the best Briercliffe debuts I’ve seen for a while. Chapeau! I hope we can sign him up for more TT fun next season.”
“Edging my way to a personal course best but that’s for 2019 now.”
“I did it on my aero road bike as my TT bike is getting serviced. Which means I’m depressingly poorer and no better for having a specific bike for time trials.”
“Newly installed premium-quality, ceramic bearings on front wheel must have helped. Need to fit some to knees and hips next.”
“Having a proper 10-miles warm up before I start seems to be working.”
“Saying goodbye to the classic Briercliffe course ended the love hate relationship with the same fondness of leaving your family after Christmas. You’ve had some ups and downs, but are looking forward to meeting up again next year.”
“Good idea on the compiling the report from quotes. It would have been a shame to have no report with such a big field.”
“Thank you Leanne, Paul and Frank for putting on the event and also to the Nomads out to support.”
Hitchin Nomads
Women: Ella Ruggles (Junior) 32:09
Men: Tom Weir 24:02, Mark Desborough 24:51, Sam Hayes 25:08, Nick Hickman 25:32, Chris Brabrook 26:00, Brian Ruggles 26:14, Matt Lippard 26:34, Paul Fletcher 27:28, Paul Wright 27:53, Steve Smith 29:20, Chris Corney 29:22, Mark Loosely 29:29, Stephen Oliver 31:01, Andy Saunders DNF
Private Time Trials
Jason Stuart (CCA) 22:57, Lindz Barral (JCA-Equipe Velo) 23:57, Mick Case (BRRT) 26:17, Dave Rees (unattached) 28:33,
Next Event
The “Roadworks 10”. Tuesday 7th August at 18:30. Sign on at the Finish Line from 18:00. A call for entries will be made via a poll on Facebook as usual, on Thursday.