Event Sec and Reporter: Nick Hickman
Principal Time Keeper: Frank Turner
Assistant Time Keeper: Nigel Wilson
Prop: Julian Pegg
Kitchen Captain: Paul Riley
Baking Crew: Paul Wright, Jane Hickman
Course Signage: Christopher Wilson
Promoted for an on behalf of Cycling Time Trials under its rules and regulations.
Despite riders reporting a tough first half into a head wind, being 2-3 mph faster after the turn seems to have led to several Lifetime Personal Bests …
Editor’s pick for the ride of the day is a tie. Junior Nomad Ella Ruggles achieved yet another PB and Club Record (on her road bike no less). Dave Cook (BRRT) got a PB at the 10 distance after achieving one at the 25 distance on the Team Velovelocity Event using E2/25 just the day before.

Nomad David Heath also got a PB. Jim Bainbridge was fastest Nomad, with his new diet of curry and red wine obviously working as pre-event nutrition. Regular on the F1 courses, Jason Stuart of CC Ashwell, was fastest of the day. Several of the rest claimed excuses such as “my base layer was inside out” for being a couple of minutes down on their course bests.
[Apols if other PBs or excuses have been missed – pls. contact Event Sec to have these included]
Photos: Mark Bradley
Hitchin Nomads Competition
Women: Ella Ruggles (Junior) 30:38
Men: Jim Bainbridge 23:39, Nick Hickman 24:20, Ross Thompson 24:51, Nigel Tooke 25:11, Brian Ruggles 25:52, Paul Wright 27:45, Christopher Wilson 27:47, David Summerell 28:34, David Heath 29:04
Private Time Trials
Jason Stuart (CCA) 21:39, Paul French (BRRT) 22:18, Keith Barton 22:32, Lindz Barral (JCA-EV) 23:16, Simon Richardson (SNCC) 23:36, Dave Cook (BRRT) 23:46, Chris Green (SNCC) 23:47, Simon Murphy (SNCC) 23:56, Ian Stokes (45 RC) 24:34, Dave Richards (SNCC) 27:01, Norman King (SNCC) 31:12, Terry Sykes (BRCC) 33:08
Next Event
Inter Club Hill Climb (hosted by SNCC) – 10:30 Sunday 30 September using the “Sharpenhoe Clappers” course. A call for Nomads’ entries will be made via Facebook in the next few days. Riders may also contact Nick Hickman via email, etc.